Search Results

There are 21 item(s) tagged with the keyword "mental health".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 21

1. Anxiety And Depression In The Disability Community

Often, people in the disability community can experience anxiety and depression in their daily lives. Needless to s...

2. Mental Health, Autism and the Stigma of Fear

The stigma against mental health and disability as well as other differences such as race and religion are real and affe...

3. MOVING AND LEARNING: Physical Intervention for Children With Special Needs

The sensorimotor period is an important pre-cognitive stage where children learn how to interact with the environment th...

4. Toronto, The Summer of Learning About a Method of Inclusion

This summer, I had the pleasure to attend the Toronto Summer Institute Inclusion Conference. To be honest, it blew my mi...

5. Let's Be The Help We Need

Let's be the help we need. Jason's Connection is dedicated to connecting people to resources that serve needs, enrich li...

6. Change The Way

Change the way the world is constructed so that everyone can participate in life's activities to the greatest extent pos...

7. Out Of Darkness: Pieces From a PTSD Victim

I don’t have the nightmares much anymore. At least I don’t think I do. I just don’t remember my dreams...

8. Disability History

Like them, I had no idea until the 1980s what it meant to be disabled, that there was a history, culture, and politics o...

9. We All Have Challenges

We all have challenges: It is our willingness to figure out our strengths and abilities that will allow us to succeed.&n...

10. Learning To Listen Instead of Hearing: Meet Caroline White and Marty Hadge of Hearing Voices USA

Recently Jason’s Connection’s founder, Jason Harris, spoke with Caroline White and Marty Hadge of Hearing Vo...

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 21

There are 21 item(s) tagged with the keyword "mental health".
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