Displaying: 21 - 30 of 48
Recently Ericka McIntyre, Jason’s Connection’s Content Director, talked with Lloyd Woodcock, Director of Edu...
Like a good percentage of millennials I am into superheroes. Partly because I am awesomely nerdy in the popular sense, b...
The holidays are seen as a time to donate and volunteer. It shows the best in us to want to reach out to others. But lik...
Recently Ericka McIntyre chatted with Erahm Christoper, an award-winning filmmaker, about his latest project, Liste...
Recently Jason Harris talked with Noel Julnes-Dehner about her work as a filmmaker and her films, Coming Home from ...
The hardest part of overcoming a challenge is not the challenge itself, but the stigma that is attached to the challenge...
From time to time, we like to invite guests to share their stories with us. Today’s guest blogger is Bieke Kreps.&...
Recently our founder, Jason Harris, spoke with Libby Harrison, Project Manager for the Cincinnati Exchange Project, a lo...
Jason’s Connection Founder, Jason Harris, will be a panelist at the Ruderman Inclusion Summit. He will be speaking...
Autism Speaks has come to a crossroads in its history. For the second time in less than five years, their president is s...
Displaying: 21 - 30 of 48