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The reason I started Jason’s Connection is not just about disability. Ironically my real passion for life is under...
Jason Harris Chief Idea Officer and Founder of Jason's Connection will be interning this summer at a Nati...
Jason's Connection was just awarded an International Award, "100 Best Blogs for Disabled" By Stairlifts Review...
My needs are not special, they are human.
Every human's experience matters
I think it is time to learn that just because you are different, or have some troubles, does not mean you need to be def...
Everyone is different, this applies to people with disabilities just as much as anyone else, but people do not seem to r...
I am a person, not a disability
With the upcoming administration, changes to the House and Senate, and the echo of campaign promises, many parents with ...
Focusing on strengths is important for acceptance for ones self and moving forward.
Displaying: 1 - 10 of 13