Search Results

There are 48 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Asperger's".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 48

1. Addiction Gaming and Autism

Jason's Connection Q&A. Video games are viewed as a safe space by some autistic people. The goal is to hel...

2. About Uneepi: Autism Dating and Social Media Site

Thomas Sheil, Founder of Uneepi, an online dating & relationship resource designed to support people on the Aut...

3. A Reader Asks Jason's Connection - How Do We Help Our Autistic Son With His Fears Of Growing Up?

Jason’s Connection recently received a question from a community member as to how to help their son, who is on the...

4. Look at my Assets: Re "seeing" people

The United States of America has a great legacy of individualism. How many times have you heard about someone pulling th...

5. Disability and Diversity

When we talk about disability, we are really talking about diversity.

6. Toronto, The Summer of Learning About a Method of Inclusion

This summer, I had the pleasure to attend the Toronto Summer Institute Inclusion Conference. To be honest, it blew my mi...

7. People Accepting People

Inclusion is not a building or a program. Inclusion is people being with people and people accepting others.

8. The Elephant in the Room: The Fear of Disability

A lot of what is talked about concerning disability has to do with one word, FEAR.

9. Human Needs, Not Special Needs

I am not denying that I need help or that I have a disability. But the needs I have are not 'special', they are human.

10. Let's Be The Help We Need

Let's be the help we need. Jason's Connection is dedicated to connecting people to resources that serve needs, enrich li...

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 48

There are 48 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Asperger's".
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