#Imagine21: A Mini- Documentary Series On Autism After 21 Jason Halkias' story
At age 21, our friends with autism lose access to many of the supports they receive as children. The #Imagine21 mini-doc... read more
24 May 2017

Blog #2 Tom Klinedinst a Husband, Father, and Advocate.
My wife Robin, and I, were young when we got married. We were barely any older when we found out we were pregnant ... read more
31 May 2017

Picture Postcards from PTSD a Diary Entry
I just moved back home. Into one of the homes where the abuse happened. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. I mean... read more
17 May 2017

Why Proposed HealthCare Reform is Not Good for Individuals with Disabilities
Under the new bill, that passed the US House, Medicaid would move to a block grant program. Instead of being an entitlem... read more
10 May 2017

What's my Role: When to be an Advocate and when to be an Ally
One of my biggest concerns, about what I do, is the anxiety of when am I allowed to talk about an issue and when am I no... read more
03 May 2017