Jason's View

7 Ways to Get Ahead at an Online Career Fair

14 Jul 2014

Finding a job can be hard in this economy.
And worse for those with disabilities.

Over at Think Beyond the Label, they posted 7 Ways to Get Ahead in an Online Career Fair specifically tailored for those with different abilities. Think Beyond the Label is committed to helping those with disabilities find great jobs in great places.

The current Disability Unemployment rate in the U.S. is more than double the regular rate: 12.9%!

Too often people with disabilities are slighted or looked over because employers don’t focus enough on what their potential employee can offer the company. One alternative to finding a job that suits your skills is an Online Career Fair.

Online Career Fairs are a great way to virtually meet and discuss about different opportunities in your community. Just google “Online Career Fair” with the name of your city next to it. A few should pop up! Attendees meet at a specialized interactive website and all have specific dates and times, just like a traditional career fair. Contact your local unemployment office if you can’t find one online easily – they may know of some or have them listed on their website.

An Online Career Fair is a great way for the employer to get to know you and your abilities first. It creates an equal playing field for everyone – not just those with disabilities. Then when a second face-to-face interview is scheduled, your employer will be able to remember why he or she brought you in: your skills. Your disability is just part of you – and as an employee, you’ll be great!

Plus remember, many disabilities just add to one’s skill set and can strengthen others. For many, having a disability has simply helped them achieve great things!

Read the7 Ways to Get Ahead in an Online Career Fair.